It’s a Wrap! End of School Year Festivities ’23-’24

Another school year has come to an end and the Holy Family Academy students and faculty enjoyed a wide variety of year end events and celebrations.


Washington, DC Trip — Juniors and Seniors experienced a once in a lifetime trip to Washington, DC where they viewed all the major sites in an action packed 4-day trip.


Boys Baseball and Girls Soccer Seasons — The Boys Baseball team coached by Dominic DeMark and Paul Bickel said goodbye to graduating seniors Agustine Beltran, Evan Latham and Max Obernuefemann.  Coaches Zach DeMark and Cecilia Obenuefemann led the Girls Soccer team to a successful first season with the strong play of graduating seniors Maria DeMark, Rachel DeMark and Natalya Weber. 


Canyon Athletic Association All State honors were conferred on the following players:

  • Maria DeMark, Soccer
  • Rachel DeMark, Soccer
  • Evan Latham, Baseball
  • Max Obernuefemann, Baseball


The Class of 2024 Promotion and Graduation Ceremony was held on Saturday, May 18.  Middle School Religion and History teacher Mrs. Michelle Sabo addressed the graduates with Principal Graves conferring Eighth Grade Certificates of Promotion and High School Diplomas.  Best wishes and congratulations to the following graduates:

  • Rachel DeMark, Valedictorian
  • Maximus Obernuefemann, Salutatorian
  • Agustine Beltran
  • Maria DeMark
  • Evan Latham
  • Natalya Weber


Final Examinations – The students spent countless hours preparing for final exams.  Here’s Science Teacher Mr. Fred Ceyala offering last minute help to some of the high school students studying before their big tests.


Last Day of School – At the conclusion of the last Mass of the school year celebrated by Fr. Saenz, students were happy to say goodbye to their friends and teachers.


Thank You — Many thanks to Principal Graves, the faculty and staff for another successful school year.  We salute you for your dedication and commitment to providing an outstanding education to our HFA students.